Saturday, February 12, 2011


I have decided I am going to start a blog that catalogs my happenings at work.  At the moment RunAway shoes in Oshkosh Wi is my current gig.  I like the friendly atmosphere and flexibility it offers. 

Today im working with Cal and Adam.  Pandora station of choice...Dispatch Radio. 
I was fortunate enought to come into work and have a cup of coffee waiting for me.  THANKS CAL. 

The attached picture is Cals breakfast of choice.  All i can say is you better stick to that P90X bud.  I just helped my first customer of the day, it was a women who left with a pair of Guides.  Her last name was a two parter and the latter was Casper.  It makes me wonder what it would be like to be a ghost.  If I ever were to haunt people I think I would be a friendly ghost like casper.  I would find a nice dwelling and help out around the house, taking full advantage of my newly acquired ghostly powers.  Floating through walls levitating things would make chores much easier and more efficient. 

There is a distinct difference between Minnesotans, and Wisconsinites. There is something to be said about the old cliche "Minnesota nice".  Wisconsin folks are easy enough to handle but seem a little bit short tempered, where as Minnesotans are not always cooperative but are atleast a little bit more understanding.  Well its almost closing time...time to clean up.